
Thursday, October 17, 2013

2 Versions of Poolesville High School Survey Story

There is the Gazette version.

Poolesville High School removes student survey after parent complaint

And then, there is The Blaze version which contains the text of the actual survey.


  1. "Students at Poolesville High School’s Advanced Placement (AP) National, State, and Local Government class are studying polls, surveys and trends. Several students in the class volunteered to create a survey after school that would be given to the school’s sophomores and would cover topics that were currently in the news. The idea was that they would then analyze the data and see what trends develop along demographic lines. The poll was given to the 10th graders at Poolesville High only. Some took it in class and, for others, the classroom teachers posted it on EdLine–our system used to communicate with parents and students about homework, assignments and school events– so students could take the survey outside of class."

  2. The Blaze. Glenn Beck. Ridiculous.

    1. OK. Now read the articles.

      The Blaze printed the actual survey that was the subject of these two articles. The Blaze pushed MCPS for an explanation and information.

      According to The Blaze article, 2 MCPS parents sent this information to them. Interesting isn't it that those 2 parents didn't seek out any local news agencies for this story?

      "Ridiculous" got the facts and made them public. Local news media are welcome to do the same.

    2. Who said they didn't seek out any local news agencies? Did YOU interview them?

      Ever think that these parents could perhaps share the Libertarian ideology of Glenn Beck and his Blaze and that's why they sent info to his website? Did you bother to read the outrageous comments that readers of the Blaze article wrote? The Blaze is nothing more than a conspiracy theory riddled site. If you want to give it credit, so be it. Says a lot about you!

    3. Actually says a lot about MCPS. This was an excellent example of how MCPS spins a story to local media.

      Being able to read the actual survey allows parents and citizens to make up their own minds without the MCPS spin.

      If YOU want to spend time in the comments, have at it. You have more free time than most. But, the interesting part of this article was that they published the actual survey that was the subject of both of these articles.

  3. I go to PHS, i was in that class. we actually had a substitute teacher that day and she told us that our teacher had a survey on a gdoc that was anonymous. Most of us filled it out and others didnt as we were lazy. The survey on break looks about right but I support my teacher because we were learning about demographics and creating data on the correlations between demographics and political opinion

  4. My son is in that same class. He showed my wife and I the article in the Blaze. Being naive, he prefaced showing us the article with. "This news source seems to have a conservative bias." He has no idea who Glenn Beck is. I sent Mr. Short an email via edline telling him that I think he's doing a wonderful job.

    1. 2nd Question: Did you see the survey before it was made public?

    2. Took all of two seconds to figure out who Mr. Short is.

      Took even less time to figure out that Mr. Singer above is an intelligent parent, and that his son is pretty astute.

      Still interested in the conspiracy rag AKA the Blaze?

    3. So you are saying this wasn't the survey that students filled out? Why don't you post the actual survey if you think the one made public is not factual. Thanks.

    4. "However, Tofig said that system’s general procedure is to have any surveys reviewed by school leadership. In this case some of the questions were deemed inappropriate and should not have been posted on EdLine, he said."


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