
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Balt. Sun: Atty Gen Gansler Gansler says breaking up teen party was not his job.

We would like to see the job description for Attorney General in Maryland.  We know that Attorney General Gansler has been unwilling to stand up for the rights of public school children to a free public education.  
Mr. Gansler has been advised of the illegal curricular fees charged in MCPS and his response was that if he was a public school parent, he would not pay the fees.  
Yet, he has taken no action to stop the charging of illegal fees.  
Are public school children not "relevant" to him? 
"Assume for purposes of discussion that there was widespread drinking at this party," Gansler said. "How is that relevant to me? … The question is, do I have any moral authority over other people's children at beach week in another state? I say no."
Read more:,0,5177481.story#ixzz2idwHIQJA


  1. The photo was a screen shot from the new viral video "Attorneys General Gone Wild !!!" (JK)

  2. Doug Gansler did not just walk in and then walk out of this party. He stayed for a while. He went from room to room and observed under-aged teens drinking. He smelled the alcohol. There is no way that he didn’t know that under-aged kids were drinking. He CHOSE not to call the police, because he felt that he could get in and out of the party without being identified or photographed. Given that every person over the age of 12 has a cell phone (with photo and video capably), thinking that he could slip in and out, without detection, was naïve at best and moronic at worst. There were several pictures taken of Gansler at this party which document this.

    Please view the additional photos below:

    As Maryland’s Attorney General, Doug Gansler, who has “championed” a crusade against under-aged drinking, had a duty to call authorities and he failed.

  3. The perfect Montgomery County pol.


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