
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Doug Duncan's Milestone Plan Hits Opposition in Anne Arundel County

Former County Executive Doug Duncan's "no brainer" deal isn't going over with Anne Arundel legislators.  They are proposing legislation to stop Duncan's "no brainer" deal.

Plans For Cell Towers At County Schools Come Under Fire

1 comment:

  1. Doug Duncan: What else would you expect? …selling out the health of school children to enhance the bottom-line. Don’t forget, Duncan is the same guy, who sold MCPS school property for pennies on the dollar to special interests in exchange for Jack Abramoff-tainted campaign money. …and he wants to be Montgomery County Executive again??? We must never forget.

    See Washington Post articles:

    Duncan Campaign Aide Involved in School Deal, Assistant Accepted Abramoff Fundraising Help


    Duncan to Return Abramoff-Tied Funds, $20,000 in Donations Came From Firms Linked to Lobbyist
    (BTW: Duncan never returned the Abramoff money… the Abramoff money is now in his 2014 Montgomery County Executive account)


    (Editorial) Questions for Mr. Duncan, How could the Montgomery County executive not have known about thousands of dollars of suspect contributions?


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