
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Let's Have a PEP Rally!

At Sligo Creek Elementary School in Montgomery County, someone decided it would be a great idea to do away with parent-teacher conferences! That's right: instead of meeting personally with your child's teacher to receive a quick snapshot of your child's progress and address any concerns, you will now be treated to a "PEP Rally."

Apparently, "PEP" stands for Parent Engagement Partnership. Here's what the PTA Newsletter says:

Want to Know More About PEP?
We all do! Many parents have questions about the school’s plan to replace individual parent-teacher conferences with Parent Engagement Partnership (PEP) rallies. A flyer should go home in your child’s Friday Folder today, and the PTA will be devoting our next meeting to the topic. There will be a presentation about the PEP rallies, and Ms. Swift will conduct a question-and-answer session. The meeting will be held October 1st at 7pm in the school gym. All are welcome, even if you have not yet signed up for the PTA. Child care is provided.


  1. So what will be happening on the half-days designated for conferences at Sligo?

    It will be interesting to see what exactly this turns out to be; short of details so far.

  2. Did the reporter make any effort at all to talk to a parent who didn't like the change?


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