
Monday, October 7, 2013

MCPS FY 2013: Play the Transparency Game!

FY 2013: MCPS Payments to Vendors that received over $25,000 in the fiscal year.

Here's how the Board of Education spent some of your tax dollars in Fiscal Year 2013. This is a list of vendors where payments of over $25,000 were made. This list is required to be made public by the Maryland Funding and Transparency Act.

For fun, take some of these vendors' names and see if you can find evidence of them in Board of Education minutes.  Did the Board of Education ever vote to approve all of this spending? Some of these vendors will show up in Board minutes, others won't.

The vendors in bold are just to pick out a few that might be of interest.

Let us know what you find of interest on this FY 2013 list.

(FY 2012 list can be found here. FY2011 list can be found here. FY2010 list can be found here.)

1 comment:

  1. I thought there was to be an effort by the Board to reduce costs for private, outside attorneys to fight parents of special education children. For example, I notice that in FY 2012, Jeffrey Krew was paid $339,853, and in FY 2013, slightly less, $327,902. Why can't the MCPS Attorneys handle such cases??? This budget item is a high price to pay to disparage parents and render MCPS impervious to criticism on dealing with this vulnerable population.


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