
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pyle MS Panthers Welcome Aly Raisman and Attorney General Doug Gansler

February 12, 2013 "This week Ask, Listen, Learn had the chance to start the week off right with one of our favorite superstars Aly Raisman! The Ask, Listen, Learn team headed to Pyle Middle School in Bethesda Maryland on Monday with a star studded line up of Aly Raisman AND Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler. Not only did the Pyle Middle School 8th graders get to meet two amazing role models but they also were the first group of kids to get the awesome new Ask, Listen, Learn tie –dye T-shirts. (Aly loved our new T-shirts too and even took two extra shirts home for her younger sisters!)"


"Attorney General Gansler also had some fun with the kids asking them to tell him how they personally resist peer pressure. Both Aly and Attorney General Gansler reminded the 8th graders that the kids who make smart choices in middle school and high school are the ones who ultimately achieve their goals."

Unfortunately, the Public Service Announcement Video featuring Doug Gansler doesn't appear to be available any longer!

Interestingly, lots of state Attorneys General made videos against underage drinking. Wonder where the one featuring Doug Gansler went?


  1. Gansler Video is still available here:

  2. This was a complete waste of time and money. Talk about a PR event, looked good for the principal on her way to HS this year. Aly was there maybe 5 minutes and the kids got nothing from it. It would be interesting to know how much Aly got for the appearance and who was paying the bill. All of the local politicians came out though, sure looked good!


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