
Monday, November 25, 2013

Internal Auditor Pisha Had Role with MCT as Supervisory Committee Member in 2009

From the September 23, 2009 issue of the Credit Union Times:

MCT Federal Credit Union Adds Three New Supervisory Committee Members

The MCT Federal Credit Union board of directors has recently appointed three new supervisory committee members: Eileen Steinkraus, Janet Williams and Roger Pisha.

All three supervisory committee members currently work for Montgomery County Public Schools or are recently retired from the school system.

Steinkraus retired from MCPS in 2006 after working for the school system for 37 years. She worked for 20 years at Blair High School, where she saw the influence of MCT's in-school branch. Steinkraus also served on Rockville, Md.-based credit union board of directors from 1984 to 1998.

Pisha serves as a supervisor for MCPS' office of shared zccountability. He and his staff of auditors perform a risk analysis of MCPS, and give recommendations to leadership on activities reviewed. Pisha works with the Maryland State Department of Education and the Office of Public School Construction Program on school system audits. Additionally, Pisha and his staff ensure that schools comply with federal, state and local laws, along with MCPS policies and regulations.

1 comment:

  1. Got to connect the dots here a little bit.

    Pisha, is in charge of the Internal Audit Unit, that performed the investigation of what happened at Rock Terrace and issued the report.

    And now we learn he was on the "Supervisory Committee" of the Credit Union at the time many of these accounts were opened, and many more in operation with the money flowing in and out.

    How was his involvement with the Internal Audit Investigation not a Conflict of Interest? Why didn't he disclose such an obvious issue? Why didn't any of his units audits ever discover these accounts? And why didn't he see the accounts for minors without parent signatures in his work on the Supervisory Committee of the Credit Union?

    Bob Astrove


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