
Monday, November 25, 2013

More on the Common Core

This paper provides a useful historical timeline concerning how our educational systems adopted the Common Core.

As far as the political perspective, note that the views in the paper represent the views of the authors from the Pioneer Institute and American Principles Project,, and not this blogger.

MoCo voters need to start understanding the Common Core, and decide whether this is a good initiative for our students.  We have an election coming up next year.  Remember, education is 50 percent of the county budget - do you think your tax dollars are well spent?

1 comment:

  1. 9 minutes long - from Utah, but the story of Common Core is the story of Common Core.

    And have ya'll signed the petition to cancel the MSA's yet? It's stalled out at juuuuuust over 750 signatures. Spouses sign too - double the number!


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