
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Off site/Off camera: Wed. Nov. 13th BOE meets with Montgomery Co. Delegation

Wed, November 13, 2013
08:45 AM Annual Meeting with the Delegation -
Seneca Valley High School

The Montgomery County Board of Education 
The Montgomery County Delegation 
November 13, 2013 
Seneca Valley High School 
19401 Crystal Rock Drive, Germantown, MD 
Media Center 


Coffee and Light Breakfast Fare 

Mr. Christopher Barclay, President 
Mr. Marc Cohen, Principal 

MCPS Demographics and Enrollment Overview 
Mr. Christopher Barclay, President 

MCPS School Capacity and Construction Issues 
Mr. Phil Kauffman, Vice President 
Mr. Larry Bowers, Chief Operating Officer 

Dialogue on Key Legislative Priorities 

 State School Construction Funding 
 Adequacy of State Education Funding 

 Common Core State Standards 


  1. Maybe during the conversation on State Funding the Delegation could ask the BOE why they expect funding on school sites/projects where MCPS's staff ignores the law. Farquhar Middle School's "replacement school" is designed and a site approved for condemnation. This site still hasn't been presented to the State for proper vetting. State approval of the Site is required per PSCP regulations before the site can be "taken". Too bad staff doesn't want to be burdened with those pesky laws. They'll have millions spent before they even know if the State is willing to fund their component of the replacement. (Hint: Someone should look at a Priority Funding Map.) Even if the State doesn't fund, they'll be too financially committed to reverse course.

  2. I hope they discussed the fact that the teachers in this county can't figure out the 2.0 math curriculum. The person who wrote the curriculum appeared, today, at a titile I school for a workshop on how to teach the new 2.0 math and stated that "they had to write it that way so that it would sell"..........................good to know. Teachers can't teach it or understand it, but who cares!!!!! MCPS can sell it.


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