
Monday, November 18, 2013

Starr feels "put upon" by BOE questions on Innovation Schools & Math Work Group, says they can discuss it during his evaluation.

On October 1, 2013, the Board of Education met in a 3rd floor, back conference room at the Rockville Library.  Even the librarians on the 1st floor didn't know the BOE was hiding upstairs.  The purpose of the hidden meeting was for the Board to conduct a "self-evaluation."
The document the BOE was reviewing is below.

At the end of the meeting, Superintendent Joshua Starr took issue with a statement in Section G of the the BOE self evaluation document below.
Here's the statement that Starr wanted removed from the document.
"Furthermore, several Board members expressed some frustration because of the lack of communication regarding the progress of the math exam workgroup as well as innovation schools."
Here's the video of the part of the meeting that discussed Section G of the BOE self evaluation.  Included in the discussion are the following comments by Superintendent Joshua Starr and BOE President Christopher Barclay.
Minute 22:00 - Starr: ...Staff feels put upon, and I do as well... ...I need to understand this claim of lack of communication...
...I have a concern about that statement... 
Minute 23:00 - Barclay:  There is a disconnect that went on with the Innovation Schools... 
Minute 25:25 - Starr: ...We can discuss this during my evaluation...

The meeting was video taped by the Parents' Coalition.  There were just 3 members of the public in attendance at the meeting.  All of those individuals were members of the Parents' Coalition.

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