
Monday, November 4, 2013

Taxpayers League wants seat at MCPS Secret Budget Table

Now that the Parents' Coalition has exposed the secret budget meetings that are held to set the MCPS Operating and Capital budgets, the Taxpayers League wants to participate in those meetings.

Doesn't MCCPTA represent all citizens countywide on this committee? Who would know, MCCPTA's President has signed a non-disclosure document about what goes on behind these closed doors.

Gazette Letter: He who pays the piper
The budget of the Montgomery County Public Schools for FY 2015 is in the early stages of formulation. This budget of over $2 billion is close to 50 percent of the tax-supported budget of Montgomery County. So who are the players who will influence this budget at this critical stage?
It is the Budget Steering Committee. The members of this committee are the deputy superintendents, the employee union leaders representing the Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals, the Montgomery County Education Association (teachers), the Service Employees International Union Local 500, and the Montgomery County Council of Parent Teachers Associations.
These are all undoubtedly important players and represent important sectors of the Montgomery County Public Schools. Every member of this committee has a vested interest in increasing the budget for many and various reasons.
Why is the school board not represented? It is true that they will eventually get the budget for approval but they do not have the analytical capability at that late stage to ask the hard questions. ...continues at link

1 comment:

  1. The Taxpayer's League will be teaming with the Parents' Coalition and the Montgomery County Civic Federation for our Second Annual Budgetpalooza! on Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 at the Rockville Library. We are looking for volunteers to analyze the FY15 budget and we will go through the budget chapter by chapter -- including appendices. Mark your calendars now! Please contact me offline if you want to volunteer.


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