
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Washington Post: Grand Jury to Probe Financial Records in Montgomery School Case

Grand jury to probe financial records in Montgomery school case

By Donna St. George, Published: November 19
Online Washington Post

A Montgomery County grand jury is expected to examine bank records for potential financial improprieties at Rock Terrace, a public school in Rockville for special-education students, according to documents in the case.

The action comes amid an investigation by the Montgomery County state’s attorney’s office of complaints that school officials opened bank accounts in students’ names and deposited and withdrew work-study wages without their parents knowing the accounts existed.

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.


  1. OMG. The Post finally prints a real story about MCPS. Please note folks, Lyda Astrove broke the story here first - on the PC blog. We publish the real news.

  2. But the Post isn't permitting comments on the article. MCPS must have said "no" to any comments.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am seeing some unusual things one the Post's comments section.

    1.) since last night, I the only one who has commented on the above story (you'd think dozens of folks would have commented by now).
    2.) the comment I posted on the Rock Terrace Grand Jury article also appeared simultaneously under the article about our family's issues with MCPS (

    Does anyone see my comment on the Post about Rock Terrace or is there a glitch in the Post's system?



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