
Sunday, June 8, 2014

@MCPSSUPER Dining Out While Students Go Hungry (Repost in case you missed it the first time)

Did you know that there are hungry children in Montgomery County? MCPS has high rates of students who receive free and reduced price meals. According to Manna, a local nonprofit dedicating to feeding the hungry, many of these students would go without enough food on the weekends when school meals are not available. To address this issue, Manna has developed the "Smart Sacks" program:

Today the Smart Sacks program is a partnership including Manna, local businesses and organizations, and elementary schools in Montgomery County. Together we provide children with bags full of healthy foods every Friday so they have food on the weekends when there are no school meals to sustain them.

The Goldberg Smart Sacks program currently operates in more than 50 elementary schools, feeding more than 2,100 children each week. The Karen Goldberg Smart Sacks program is a perfect example of how a community comes together to solve a problem. Business and community organizations, Manna, and elementary schools work collaboratively to help children at risk of hunger.

Meanwhile, over at 850 Hungerford Drive, the Superintendent of Schools Joshua Starr isn't hesitating to use his taxpayer-funded American Express card to dine at pricey restaurants, both in Rockville and out-of town. For example, how many children could have been fed with the money from Starr's $29.00 lunch tab at Gordon Biersch?

or how many Smart Sacks could be filled with the money spent on dinner at La Tasca?

Hungry children in Montgomery County don't have the luxury of charging lunches and dinners at local restaurants. What does it say about our superintendent that he spends tax dollars on fine dining while students in more than 50 elementary schools need help to get through the weekend without hunger?

Please CLICK HERE to find out more about Manna's Smart Sacks program, and to donate.


  1. This makes me sick.

    1. The County Council LOVES this kind of spending of tax dollars!

      Voters LOVE the Council.

      The Apple Ballot LOVES elected officials who will wine and dine their officers.

      It's all good.

  2. My child has NEVER been to such a place to eat. I deeply resent MY TAXES being spent on this kind of thing, when even I can't give my own child this kind of experience.

    What was spent in one sitting for two people to eat is more than my budget for a family of four for an entire week!

  3. @Anonymous Dec 11 8:34 PM, please email the county council and the County Inspector General with your comment. It is best to email each councilmember individually. If you would, could you please post the responses here on the blog. Thank you.

  4. At least he saved MCPS $.20 by bringing bags.

  5. What is the MCPS/BOE policy on how the credit cards can be used? Are the BOE members violating law or are they simply unethical? I wish the press would publish which elected, appointed and career County public servants are being fed restaurant meals on the taxpayer dime.


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