
Friday, December 27, 2013

Superintendent Controversey Needs Investigation

Here is a copy of an article that recently appeared in The Baltimore Sun as a Letter to the Editor.
Baltimore County Superintendent of Education Dr. Dallas Dance received a job from SUPES Academy after providing that same company with an $857,000 contract with Baltimore County Schools. This action has the appearance of a conflict of interest and violation of the ethics laws. I have filed a formal request for an opinion by the Ethics Commission which could be followed by an ethics complaint.

Dr. Dance receives a salary of $260,000 a year and presides over a school system in turmoil. Baltimore County is in the process of implementing a number of new programs including The Common Core Curriculum, change in teacher evaluations, redistricting school zones, instituting a new high school schedule and producing a 10 year facilities plan.

 With the activity and chaos we have in our school system, to the point where teachers have filed a grievance, Dr. Dance should not have any spare time to devote to another job. The SUPES Academy which is under investigation in Chicago was chosen by Dr. Dance as a non-bid contract.

The decision by the Superintendent to drop his job with SUPES is a minor concession. The $857,000 contract the Superintendent forced onto the shoulders of the County taxpayers is a real problem. Moreover, the agreement is designed to train principals and prospective principals. To my knowledge, Baltimore County has a tradition of in-house training for their principals. Dr. Dance, who graduated from SUPES Academy and is considered to be a qualified instructor, should use his skills to train county principals and save the taxpayers $875,000.

It never seems to amaze me how school boards agree to provide Cadillac level contracts that allow educators to undertake outside income producing ventures when they should be totally dedicated to their own school systems. The Board needs to revise the Superintendent's contract and prevent him from wandering off the farm.

My confidence in politically appointed school boards disappeared a long time ago. There have been a whole series of incidents dating back to the reign of Dr. Joe Hairston and beyond, where the actions of the board have left the public scratching their heads or holding their nose. This failed system needs reform. I have introduced legislation that will create an elected hybrid school board that consists of 7 elected members, 1 from each Council district and 4 at-large appointed by the County Executive. Faraway Governors should not be selecting Baltimore County's educational leaders.

The government closest to the people governs best. Baltimore County teachers, parents and children deserve better.

Serving the People,
Delegate Pat McDonough

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