
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Twittering Sup Just Doesn't Get it

This weekend's twitter advice from Josh?  Only happy posts, please.  Post all you want, just be sure a happy face comes with the post.

More of the same old MCPS mantra - good news only.  Even if its not from our school system.

  1. High School Football Captain Fights Cyberbullying With A Super Nice Twitter Account via .


  1. And now the irony. He's being accused of similar conduct in a public forum, "Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, or PFOX — contends that Starr made denigrating comments at a public meeting that hurt students". Here's the link to the Gazette article:

    1. Does any sane person give a rat's behind what the homophobic, scientifically disproven PFOX has to say?

  2. There'll be a litigation
    For this abomination
    To get a reparation
    For disambiguation.

  3. Hey - the MCPS Mantra of 'Good News Only' is the opposite of the Parents Coalition's mantra! See - there is balance in the universe.

    Maybe some good news about MCPS on the Parents Coalition website would lead to bad news being acknowledged by MCPS. It's worth trying.

    1. The Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland seeks to achieve the goals of coherent, content-rich curriculum standards; high expectations combined with timely remediation and acceleration; a wider range of educational options for parents and children; greater transparency and accountability; and meaningful community input.


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