
Thursday, January 30, 2014

A disregard for basic traffic laws during drop off and pick up times is also being observed among both student and parent drivers on a regular basis.

Dear Parents and Students of Winston Churchill High School,
Unsafe pedestrian habits amongst teenagers are becoming a growing factor in pedestrian collisions across the county. The Safe Kids Worldwide report found one in five high school students were distracted when they crossed the street. Young people at Churchill have been seen to cross in the middle of streets instead of using intersections, text or wear headphones while crossing busy streets and not look for traffic before crossing streets and parking areas.  A disregard for basic traffic laws during drop off and pick up times is also being observed among both student and parent drivers on a regular basis.  In particular, some cars are blocking the flow of traffic by stopping to drop off students and we have seen a big increase in the number of illegal u-turns.  As second semester begins, we are requesting your help in maintaining a safe environment for our students.
Starting with this initial notification of the problems faced every day at Churchill, our Pedestrian Safety Initiative begins. 
January 27-31, 2014. - Signage will be posted around the campus.  They will be gentle reminders of infractions that will be closely monitored in the near future. 
February 3 -7, 2014. - Churchill will partner with Montgomery County Police in our Safety Initiative.  The police will be present on our grounds and will issue tickets for violations.
After February 7, 2014
·         Students and parents will continue to observe the laws of safety and monitor themselves and others to maintain the safe environment expected at Churchill. 
·         Department of Transportation will install marked crosswalks on Victory Lane and Greenlane Drive. Curb extensions, ADA compliant ramps, and appropriate signage will also be installed.
·         Additional police presence will be requested as needed.

What can walkers do?
·         Cross the street only at marked crosswalks and intersections.
·         When crossing the street, look left, right, left, and over their shoulders for turning vehicles.
·         Pay special attention in the parking lots and the bus loop – many times drivers are looking for parking and do not see the many students crossing and walking through the parking lots.
·         Begin crossing the street on the "walk" signal.
·         Stay visible after dark.  Wear white or reflective bands on clothing.
·         Make eye contact with drivers before crossing.
·         Stop texting, stop talking, and remove earphones. Put your cell phone in your pocket.

What can drivers do?
·         Stop for pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections – it’s the law! A pedestrian is in the crosswalk when their foot is placed on the painted roadway. If a car driving in front of you stops for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, you need to stop as well.
·         Crosswalks exist at all intersections, even if the crosswalk is unmarked.
·         Make sure you are not impeding the flow of traffic by stopping in the street to load and unload passengers.  Please use the drop off loop on the Victory Lane side of the building.
·         Slow down, pay attention and obey the posted speed limit.
·         Always look out for pedestrians and cyclists, especially before turning at a green light or making a “right on red” or “left on green.”
·         Stay alert and slow down, particularly in residential areas, school zones and commercial areas. Young people are more vulnerable because they have not yet developed the ability to judge speed and distance.

We depend on you to help keep all students safe. Please feel free to contact me with your questions, comments or concerns.  Thank you for your cooperation.


  1. I wish that our elementary school would call attention to the mayhem that occurs every morning and afternoon around the school. A perfectly safe and surprisingly efficient car drop-off procedure is established (the afternoon pickup is another story LOL) and STILL parents are stopping across the street from the school, double-parking, and having their kids jaywalk across 2 directions of traffic (half of which is around a curve so you can't see it coming). U-turns and 3-point turns right in front of the bus exit - with buses having to wait for parents to do so. Because there is only a single crosswalk near our building and it's a block away from the school, on inclement mornings especially, parents are dropping off their kids wherever to prevent having to walk to or from the crosswalk and then the additional block to the school building itself. I've almost struck a number of small children when parents walk their children across the moving traffic with toddler siblings escaping their handholds.

    Kudos to Churchill for taking on the problem of safety and courtesy during before- and after-school vehicle and foot traffic.

    1. What school? Nothing will change unless you name the school.

    2. It's been brought up, by me and other parents, and it continues to worsen. I watched last year as a parent got yelled at by a police officer for parking her car partway past the "No Parking Beyond This Point" sign while families jaywalked past them, followed by the officer finally performing a neat 3-point turn right in front of the school (and several exiting school buses) after he had finished yelling. Local police told me, when I called as a concerned parent 2 years ago, that they would keep an eye on things there, but I haven't seen them except for Walk To School day. I have no confidence that naming the school here will change anything.

    3. Try it. Name the school. Changes happen all the time based on the postings on this blog.


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