
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

BOE to Move Away From Modernizations, Back to Renovation and Maintenance of Existing Buildings

At today's Board of Education (BOE) meeting, the BOE will take up a revision to their Long Range Planning Policy.  In the revised policy, the word "modernization" has been crossed out.  In the place of the word "moderization" are the words "revitalization/expansion."

Also included in the proposed policy revision is this shocking paragraph that inserts a new goal for the MCPS Capital Budget:
Funds for systemic maintenance and replacement projects to sustain schools in good condition and extend their useful life
Parents have known for years that MCPS did not "sustain schools in good condition", but it is amazing to see that the BOE has to actually put that goal in print.

Shouldn't it have been an obvious goal of our public school system to sustain schools in good condition?  Apparently it wasn't.

1 comment:

  1. I like that they are applying the new "revitalization/expansion" language to the Farquhar debacle..


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