
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

MCPS Students OUTSIDE Now for Fire Alarm

MCPS students at Churchill High School are currently standing outside of their school building after a fire alarm went off.

According to postings on Twitter, the students have been out there for 15-20 minutes so far.

The current temperature at Churchill High School is 2 degrees with a wind chill of -14 degrees.

We await Superintendent Joshua Starr's [@mcpssuper] emergency response to this situation.  Let's see what he says to these students on Twitter.


  1. Starr should be fired for deciding to open schools in dangerously cold temperatures. Parents need to take action.

    1. So much hysteria over nothing. You were swept up in the media hype and believed that you little snowfalke would drop dead or freeze like a statue. No one died, no one got frostbite. Was it cold? Of course it was but everyone survived.

    2. A few people did get minor frostbite...

  2. NBC4 presented MCPS plan to protect children with their weather policy that included No Fire Drills (along with No Outdoor Recess and one other 'protection')

    1. This wasn't a drill. It was a real fire alarm. What's the plan for that reality?

    2. Wonder if NBC4 is on it. Angie Goff's last MCPS related tweet was how Starr was being 'bullied' again on Twitter.

      Angie Goff ‏@OhMyGOFF 3h

      #Breaking online now. 1 month after Joshua Starr says he was cyber bullied for wx call- appears it's happening again. My report next #News4

  3. Churchill students are Tweeting that Churchill is on emergency power.

  4. You never were in this weather. Did you also walk uphill to school, both ways? Time for some reality. This is historic cold in a part of the country that doesn't see this kind of cold, doesn't have clothing to protect from this cold, and doesn't have the emergency plans to handle the challenges that this weather brings.

    Also, do you have asthma? Because your glib attitude toward this 2 degree weather right now would be irresponsible for someone with asthma.

    As a teacher posted on Twitter, hazardous weather conditions is an EXCUSED absence in MCPS.

  5. Better to let them die in a fire I guess. Another brilliant reporting job by PC

  6. All children with asthma have it under control. Amazing. When did that happen?
    It's great to speak for yourself, but it doesn't apply to the other 150,000 students in MCPS.

    You need to move, because in the USA public schools close for weather.

  7. News tip -- please look into Daly Elem School in Germantown, MD today. School is open, they have no power, no heat and reports are that fire doors are frozen shut. Those teachers and kids need help! It is unsafe for them to be there. They've been told to wear coats and proceed like a normal school day.

  8. Fire trucks at Ritchie Park Elementary School now.

  9. Your statement: "but staying home from school due to the weather? no way."

    Applies to you and only you. That's now how a public school system is run. Public school systems have to take into account lots of different situations, opportunities, health concerns etc... It's not just about opening or closing school for 1 person who is in perfect health with winter clothing rated for Alaska.
    Children showed up at school today in sweatshirts and sweatpants. That's the reality that a public school superintendent has to deal with. This "super" had no plans in place to deal with the reality that was today. No plan for a fire drill, no plan for buildings without heat. Teachers went on Twitter to tell what was going on in their schools.

    Children could have been severely injured today due to the irresponsible behavior of adults. If that's not a reason to be fired, then what is?

  10. Isn't interesting that Churchill kids could tweet while outside. If it was 2 degrees weren't their little fingers cold?

    1. Because there is no such thing as smartphone-compatible gloves!

  11. Janis, your credibility is compromised by your never-ending negativity and mean-spirited comments.

    1. Oh my gosh. Seriously? 2,000 students and over 200 MCPS staff were put out in temperatures equivalent to a walk-in freezer for 22 minutes and your only thought is about me? If a parent or guardian put their child in a walk-in freezer for 22 minutes without a coat/hat/gloves would that be actionable as child abuse? Or would your focus be on what the parent had for breakfast?

      Just amazing how the welfare of children is of so little value in Montgomery County, Maryland. Yes, we realize the children aren't part of a union, but seriously, since when did Montgomery County children become expendable?

  12. As a student that was out there in the cold, I can say that it truly was freezing. I wore a sweatshirt, heavy jacket, gloves, and a hat and still was freezing cold for all 20 minutes. The area we live in isn't accustomed to this kind of weather, and many students didn't wear heavy clothes since they thought they would be in school all day. In reality the fact that many schools didn't have power or heat and ours had a pipe burst was quite enough a reason to delay school.


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