
Sunday, January 12, 2014

.@mcpssuper How to Apologize: Anne Arundel Co. School Superintendent Sorry for Weather Call

“There is no question that if we had it to do over again, we would arrive at a different outcome. I certainly regret the way things played out Friday morning, and I pledge to you that we will work harder than ever to try to ensure such an unfortunate situation doesn’t arise again.”


  1. MCPS was delayed 2 hours Friday morning. What's the big deal?

    If you're referring to Tuesday, that was the correct call as well. Now go ahead and rail on about my opinion as we all know you will.

    1. Let's see you are anonymous...hmmm so we can assume you are a paid MCPS employee posting comments on the Internet, right?

      Of course, Tuesday was not a "correct" decision. There was no plan for emergencies. Case in point, Churchill High School. The first alarm went off and MCPS administrators had students stand outside in the polarvortex temps for 30 minutes. No one with a brain would do that.

      MCPS administrators lack the ability to THINK, LEARN or PLAN.
      What would a plan have been? Shelter the students next door at Hoover Middle School. Duh!
      Instead, students suffered frostbite. Only people that hate children would consider that a "correct" decision. When administrators are that lame, the only choice is to cancel school to protect the students from the incompetence of the bureaucracy
      Continue hating children, taxpayers will continue paying your salary. That's the Apple Ballot way!

  2. 1. Provide a concrete example of any student suffering frostbite lat Tuesday.

    2. Churchill students were outside 20 minutes, not 30. It would take about that much time to walk back and forth from Hoover to Churchill.

    3. You just can't take any criticism. Someone disagrees we your point of view and they "hate children". What a sad person you must be!

    1. Prove they didn't! We believe students when they tell us what happened.

      Oh, now you are contradicting MCPS and the Churchill administration! They claim it was only TEN minutes. We know from students it was OVER 20 and 30 for some.

      What kind of walking do you do? Baby steps? Hoover is right next to Churchill. The properties touch. Walking and moving for the 3 minutes it would take to get between the schools would have been FAR preferable to standing outside in one place in frigid temps. Did you ever take a science class?

      Yes, you hate children. That's clear. Best you can do is try to attack children and advocates when children were hurt because of administrator incompetence.

    2. Nice try wit he straw man argument. You made the claim about frostbite. It's your responsibility to prove it, not the other way around. You can't do it, can you? If you could, you wouldn't be hurling ridiculous arguments around.

      Let's see you walk from Churchill to Hoover in three minutes, door to door. Sure their land abuts one another. That's from the far end of Churchill to the far end of Hoover. Please let us know when you're willing to put your legs where your mouth is!

    3. The Churchill students don't agree with you.

  3. Forgot to add that the windchill was -12 when Churchill evacuated. According to the chart that this blog published from the Weather Channel, frostbite does not occur in -12 windchill until after 30 minutes, if at all.

    1. Wow - you really do hate children. So no one could have had any frostbite because of a chart? Reality is ignored as long as you want to protect administrators. Nice work Apple Ballot!


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