
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thank you Ike Leggett for Selling Off 19.5 Acre High School site!

Here's the "thank you" e-mail from the attorney for the private school that got a MCPS high school building for free in 2010.  Nothing like happy constituents!

The private attorney represented a private school that succeeded in buying the MCPS Peary High School building and 19.5 acres of land for only the price of the land.  The building was thrown in for free!

(Too bad about the overcrowded MCPS schools.  If only students could vote.)

The e-mail below is from the attorney for the private school, and is sent to Diane Schwartz Jones, County Executive Ike Leggett's staff person handling this transaction.
In this e-mail the private school attorney thanks Ms. Jones for her help and support and for the terrific job she did "fending off" County Councilmember Marc Elrich!
That's what we pay county employees to do, right? 

For more on the loss of the 19.5 acre Peary High School site in 2010 click here.

For Montgomery County Councilmember Marc Elrich's confusion over the Peary High School sale go to minute 1:17 in this video.  The Board of Education voted against the sale of the Peary High School site in 2010, yet in this video Councilmember Elrich insists that he was told the Board of Education was not opposed to the sale.  Why is he confused? Is it because he was "fended off" by County Executive Ike Leggett's staff back in 2010? 

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