
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The White House Student Film Festival

From The White House. For more information and to submit your film go here.  Deadline to submit your video: January 29, 2014

Our schools are more high-tech than ever. There are laptops in nearly every classroom. You can take an online course on Japanese -- and then video chat with a kid from Japan. You can learn about geometry through an app on your iPad. So, what does it all mean?
We’re looking for videos that highlight the power of technology in schools.
Your film should address at least one of the following themes:
How you currently use technology in your classroom or school.
The role technology will play in education in the future.

Important Entry Requirements:
  • Open to U.S. students in grades K-12. All entries must be submitted by student’s parent or guardian. 
  • You must submit your Entry online during the Competition Period. Time and eligibility of Entry will be determined by The White House in its sole discretion.
  • You may not submit more than one Entry. 
  • Your Entry must have been created on or after November 25, 2013.
  • Your Entry must be three (3) minutes or less in length (including opening and/or closing credits).
  • Your Entry must not infringe any third party copyright or trademark, or violate the rights of any person or entity.  Make sure that you only use content in your Entry that you are authorized to use, including, without limitation, music, images, film clips, and other intellectual property.
  • Your Entry may not contain images or likenesses of any individuals who have not provided their authorization or whose parents or guardians have not provided, authorization if such individuals are under the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence. 
  • Entries must be appropriate for viewing by the general public; appropriateness will be determined by the White House in its sole discretion.

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