
Monday, February 24, 2014

$22 Million Dollar Monday at the Board of Education!!!

Do you love to spend? Do you love to spend millions? 
Do you love to spend without knowing how you are spending your money?  
Then a seat on the Montgomery County Board of Education is for you!  
It's not too late to sign up to run for one of the four open seats this year!

You too can sit at the Board of Education and spend $22,496,074 in one minute without any discussion or any clue as to what your buying!
That's what is going to happen this evening at the February 24, 2014, Board of Education meeting.

The Consent Agenda for this evening has 5 separate items that total $22,496,074 in spending without any explanation other than the name of the vendor and a brief sentence of the possible items purchased! No details!  Consent Agenda means no discussion!

Let's take a look at just one of those 5 items.  Agenda Item 5.5 is to spend $13,981,044 on a vendor named DISYS Solutions, Inc.

Superintendent Joshua Starr wrote a memo to tell the Board they are buying a bunch of computer stuff from DISYS Solutions, Inc. and that the contract is an "extension."

Extension means this contract was not put out for a competitive bid this year. Superintendent Starr just "extended" the contract into this year.  But, here's the fun part.  Last year (FY 2013) this vendor was only paid $8,036,421.  Superintendent Starr is "extending" the contract to pay this vendor $5,944,623 over what they were paid last year!  Wow! Party at DISYS Solutions, Inc!

7067.4 Computer Network Equipment, Software, and Service-Extension

DISYS Solutions, Inc. $13,981,044

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