
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cost of an Average MCPS Elementary School

Superintendent Joshua Starr put together a presentation to go with his FY 2015 Operating Budget.  As part of that presentation he leaked out a little bit of budget information. He gave the public his version of budget transparency by releasing average costs for an elementary school.

School by school budget information is not contained in Superintendent Starr's FY 2015 Operating Budget submission to the Board of Education, is not available to the public in any form, and the information in this presentation can not be verified or analysed.

Don't ask questions and be happy with what you get!

$6,700,000 Total Funding "Average" MCPS Elementary School
$5,300,000 people
$1,200,000 support operations
$   165,210 materials/supplies/technology
$   289,997 administrators
$3,560,000 classroom teachers and specialists
$1,000,000 special education and student services
$   366,058 clerical and student support
Support Operations
$   448,580 transportation
$   208,372 food services
$   440,770 building services and maintenance
$   111,505 utilities
$     76,603 technology (capital budget)
$     84,280 textbooks and instructional materials
$       4,327 furniture and equipment

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