
Friday, February 7, 2014

From Lawrence Joynes personnel records: 2011 - "no touching of students in any form"

The Parents' Coalition has previously made public one set of charges pending in Montgomery County against MCPS music teacher Lawrence Joynes.  
Today, we are posting excerpts from the second set of charges in Montgomery County.  This document was made public today at Mr. Joynes' hearing in District Court.

On 03-05-2013, the writer obtained and executed a Search and Seizure Warrant for personnel records of Joynes at the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) main office located at 850 Hungerford Road, Rockville, Maryland.  The records indicated the following: 
On 09-13, 2010, a mother of a female 2nd grader expressed concerns to the principal after her daughter reported to her that Joynes asked her if she wanted to crawl into his lap.  Also, it was reported that Joynes asked the child if she had a special pillow she slept on and did she dream of Joynes, and, she was told by Joynes that the conversation was a "secret". 
On 11-15-2011, a 1st grade student reported to her teacher that Joynes tickled her during instruction.  
On 11-18-2011, as a result of the above, New Hampshire Estates Elementary School (NHE) principal placed conditions upon Joynes that included, activities only in public areas, classroom door to remain open during instruction, stay off playground during recess, no sitting at the cafeteria with students, use of staff restrooms only, don't be alone with any student in classroom, and no touching of students in any form. 

Lawrence Joynes remained in the classroom at New Hampshire Estates Elementary School until he was arrested in Baltimore County on February 28, 2013.

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