
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Maryland PTA Supports Sen. Raskin's Bill Permitting Young Teachers to Have Sexual Contact with Teens

PTA members, you are in support of Senator Jamie Raskin's Senate Bill #460 that will change Maryland law to permit young teachers (aged 21-24) to have sexual contact with teens (aged 16-17).

When did local PTAs vote on this position in order for Maryland PTA to represent this position in Annapolis?  Do MCPS parents that are members of their local PTA realize how they are being represented in Annapolis? By the way, MCPS parents represent about 1/4 of Maryland PTA membership.  So this letter is huge support from Montgomery County parents for this legislation as written. 

Here is the Maryland PTA position paper on SB 460. The letter was submitted in writing and Maryland PTA did not appear at the public hearing on February 12, 2014.
The letter makes no mention of Senator Jamie Raskin's 7 year gap provision in the bill.  That part of the bill is completely ignored by this letter of support.


  1. What I do not understand is why any gap is "permissible?" A minor child and a teacher or coach should not be legally allowed to have sexual contact no matter if they are the same age.

    1. Please ask Senator Jamie Raskin that question. He is the only known proponent for creating this exception to current Maryland law. He wants these teachers to be exempt from criminal penalties because these relationships are, in his words, "basically innocent."

      Listen to Senator Raskin at this link:

    2. Elementary my Dear Watson. The part-time Maryland legislature consists primarily of criminal defense layers, who need to cater to their clients by maintaining or inserting loopholes in the law.

  2. "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man rules." Unknown

  3. It seems that almost every group is providing an opinion on this issue. I wonder if the legislators solicited
    feedback from the victims' families prior to drafting the bill, instead of basing it on hypothetical scenarios?

  4. While I support any legislation that eliminates this loophole, I still wonder if the teacher so often mentioned in this is innocent. He has maintained his innocence and the girl is of highly questionable character. Seems to me that prosecutors had nothing but he said/she said and used this loophole to ruin a good teacher. Raskin irresponsibly used the disputed facts for his gain...not surprising

  5. not only in the grounds.inside schools..the school ,not need police around the schools...need police inside the school for protective children and youth .. they "person in a position of authority",teachers,staff.......parents reviwd back ground..teachers and staff?


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