
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

.@mcpssuper Needs New Task Force

 Seeking privacy, teens turn to anonymous-messaging apps
...Anonymous and ephemeral, apps such as Whisper, Secret, and Snapchat fill a growing demand among teens for more fun, less accountability and more privacy online.
But the boom is opening secret new corners of the Internet at a time when educators and law enforcement officials are worried about the safety of youth online. As teens look increasingly for alternatives to the social giants Facebook and Twitter, the anonymous apps create the opportunity for bullying and cruelty in a forum where they cannot be tracked...

1 comment:

  1. From the Post article: "... a junior at Thomas Jefferson High School in Alexandria, said she resisted using social networks until last year. At first, she said she just joined Facebook, mainly to keep up with class assignments posted by teachers and to look at her lacrosse team’s page."

    I know this talks about a school in Virginia, but is it a common practice in Montgomery County for teachers to post class assignments on Facebook? If so, aren't there other media that are available for that purpose/more appropriate??


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