
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Public Discussion of MCPS Operating Budget - Feb 5th at 7 PM

Join us for an open, public discussion of the MCPS Operating Budget for FY 2015 on Wednesday, Feburary 5, 2014 at the Rockville Memorial Library

If you can, please volunteer to lead the discussion of one budget chapter. To volunteer sign up here for the Second Annual Budgetpalooza! 

DATE: 2/5/2014 (Wed 7:00PM - 9:00PM)

LOCATION: Rockville Memorial Library

Suggestion for analysis:

A suggestion for the analysis of each chapter: devise a format that could be used by all presenters, e.g.,

-  FY 2015 proposed FTEs and dollars
-  Personnel compensation $ and all other $
-  FY 2014 actual FTEs and dollars (or trends for last 5 years)
-  Explanation of increases/decreases
-  Performance measures (if any)
-  Highlight any major concerns
Possible comparison with Fairfax County schools budget.

Additional Notes;

This year we will have a projector that can accept thumb drives.

Proposed FY15 Budget is here:
Scroll down for individual chapters.

Appendix A: 2014-2015 Operational Calendar

Appendix B:

Administrative & Supervisory Salary Schedule

Business and Operations Administrators Salary Schedule

Teacher and Other Professional Salary Schedule
Supporting Services Hourly Rate Schedule

Appendix C: State Budget Category Summaries (Categories 1-81)

Appendix D: K-12 Budget Staffing Guidelines

Appendix E: Special Education Staffing Plan and Budget Guidelines

Appendix F: Non-Operating Budget Positions

Appendix G: Reconciliation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and Operating Budget for FY 2013 Actual Expenditures

Thanks all!  See you Wednesday!

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