
Saturday, February 15, 2014


Marylanders - we have a problem.

Yes, many of us have noticed that our state legislators are only part time.  The session in Annapolis is only three months long.  Many other states have full time legislators who focus on the interests of their constituents without having to balance another job or law practice to make ends meet.

This session, our part-time legislative representatives have introduced two pieces of legislation designed to address the current crisis in our schools with regards to sexual predators.  You may have noticed that several schools throughout Montgomery County have had the misfortune to find a sex offender on their staff.

So - MOCO legislative delegation to the rescue.

However, instead of making the laws more severe - our lovely delegation is not lessening the crime.  Sexual predators must now be at least 7 years older than the victim, and the predator must be at least 21 years of age.

What does that mean?

Work out the numbers yourself.  A coach on a high school sport, who may be 19 or 20, can have sex with a 15 year old.  A student volunteer/ teacher aide/student teacher can by under the age of 21 and not be charged.  A student teacher who is age 22 can abuse a student who is 15.   A volunteer or sibling of a student?  If under the age of 21, no problem.

Read the bills yourself and then CALL YOUR LEGISLATORS.

Jennie Forehand, Nancy King, and Jamie Raskin - did you really read this before you signed on as sponsors?   OK, so we can excuse Jennie for her lapse - she is getting old, and now we know why she announced her retirement.  Nancy King, a former MoCo school board member, has been around a long time and should also consider getting out of public life.  BUT - JAMIE RASKIN?  How can Mr. Takoma Park/ law professor liberal be a sponsor?  He should be ashamed.  Jamie - did you talk to your students at American University Law School about this?  Did you talk to your children?  Your wife?

Parents - protect your children and take action NOW.  Otherwise, Maryland will be known as the second best state in the nation for sexual perversity.

And don't forget to vote out the legislators who are supporting this bill.


  1. Fellow Marylanders lend me your ears; repeal your legislators!

  2. " A camel, it has been said, is a horse designed by a committee. " Charles Frankel

  3. Jamie Raskin - you are a bully!

  4. And now the bully is running for Congress!

    1. That could slow down progress.


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