
Monday, March 24, 2014

Another $325,000 to Walker Willis Corp on March 24th at BOE Meeting

Monday, March 24, 2014, Board of Education Consent Agenda at this link.  The Board of Education will approve $4.8 million in spending without seeing any contracts or details as to how this spending will be used.  

When the Parents' Coalition has attempted to obtain the supporting contracts for similar expenditures we have not met with much success. How does the Board of Education know how these funds will actually be used?

Read about our past attempts to obtain contracts for this one MCPS contractor here and here and here and here.

Walker Willis annual payments from MCPS from the MCPS Funding Accountability and 
Transparency database

FY 2010                                1,896,907
FY 2011                                3,211,507
FY 2012                                3,030,770
FY 2013                                2,864,299
FY 2014 -as of February      1,197,789

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Walker Willis the same company that we paid to store the sod they dug up from Walter Johnson HS, because some MCPS official incorrectly claimed it could be re-used in the Spring. How much was that?

    Bob Astrove


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