
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Board of Education Member Patricia O'Neill's Civility Theme

by Frederick Stichnoth 
February 20, 2014
While there are “no easy answers,” MCPS Board member Pat O’Neill hopes that a committee, this time the cybercivility task force, “can help put civility back in society.” She believes that “even if you disagree with me, or disagree with the board, there is a civil approach to discourse.”
During her immediately prior term on the Board, as it considered parents’ access to committee (then school improvement team) participation, Pat also had the strong opinion that parents should be civil to schools – so strong, actually, that she suggested committees should not include “the PIAs, the pain in the ass people in the school….” She got quite a bit of attention for her “graphic” and “candid” (as Mike Durso puts it) treatment back at parents.
Board member Chris Barclay agreed: committees look for “team players.”
Watch the video: it’s both amusing and instructive. You can really see some differences between Board members, back then.
Pat O’Neill has been on the Board for four terms -- 15 years -- and she’s running again! Chris will hold down his seat on the Board while he runs to step up to the Council.
Marx said that historic facts and personages appear twice -- the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.
2009 Video: [Minute 8:50 for Patricia O'Neill comment]
Marcus Moore, Parents, members of school board debate derogatory comment. Gazette. May 20, 2009 
Daniel de Vise and Miranda S. Spivack. Parents take pride in new moniker, The Washington Post. May 21, 2009. 
Lindsay A. Powers. MCPS form ‘cybercivility’ task force. Gazette. February 19, 2014. 
Obligatory memorandum. 
Board minutes, pages 20 – 25 (no PIA). 
Summary of comments on draft Policy AEB (“respectful” and “professional”?): 
My May 18, 2009 Parents Coalition post (respectful and professional?):

1 comment:

  1. The board has the ability
    To institute civility
    With zero probability
    Until it hits senility.


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