
Friday, March 7, 2014

Breaking: Senate Comm. Eliminates 7 Year Gap, Includes Part-time, Exempts Volunteers and (Gasp!) Live Streams Discussion and Vote #SB460

This afternoon the Senate's Judicial Proceedings Committee met in a Voting Session.  The Committee only live streamed the audio of the discussion and vote of one bill.  That bill was Senator Jamie Raskin's SB460 - Person in a Position of Authority.

We do not have the text of the amendments to this bill yet, but from the audio we hear that Senator Raskin's bill was amended to eliminate the 7 year gap.  The amendments also included part-time employees in the bill (this was the big loophole that has existed for years).

However, the Senate amendments exempt volunteers from coverage under this statute.  The House version of the bill does include volunteers.  The House version of this bill is slated to be voted on by the full House on Monday, March 10th.

Here's the audio from the live streaming of the discussion of Senate Bill 460 by the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee today.


  1. Let's see if it will make it through the gauntlet intact.

  2. This issue/bill is a perfect example of how difficult it is to get common sense legislation passed. It took several years to get seat belts for front seat passengers required as well as helmets for motorcycle riders.

  3. Hence the maxim, if it makes sense it's illegal.


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