
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Maryland School Discipline Analysis Shows Racial Disparities

Researchers from the Institute of Education Sciences' Mid-Atlantic Regional Education Laboratory, working in partnership with the state's department of education to analyze data from the 2009-10, 2010-11, and 2011-12 school years, found that "in all 24 Maryland school systems, black students received out-of-school suspension or expulsion at more than twice the rate of white students."
The report also showed higher rates of classroom removal for special education students, and researchers found that black students had higher rates of out-of-school suspension or expulsion than did Hispanic or white students. Says the report:
"These disparities are a concern because exclusionary discipline has been linked to poor academic achievement, grade retention, recurrent misbehavior, dropout, juvenile delinquency, and other undesirable outcomes."...full article at link below... 

Education Week:  Maryland School Discipline Analysis Shows Racial Disparities

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