
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How MCPS Tests for Early Entrance to Kindergarten

How does MCPS evaluate a child for early entrance into kindergarten?  
From a recent Appeal to the Maryland State Board of Education we learn that children are tested in 7 categories when they are evaluated for early entrance into kindergarten.  


  1. Will they need three letters of recommendation and background check?

  2. Since Kindergarten is now what Grade 1 (and some of Grade 2!) were a few years ago probably better to wait the year anyway. Sad but true. No sense in a 4YO getting flung headlong into "algebraic thinking;" bad enough the 5YO's and 6YO's are getting it. :-(

  3. mcps eek assessments are unfair. the entire test is kept in secret. prior to the test, the eek members will not give you any information regarding the test. likewise during the testing, the windows are covered and the identity of the teachers assessing the children are kept in secret. further the decision letter does not provide any scores or data as supporting evidence of the decision. the entire process is a sham. i have searched the web and found no successful appeals as examples. in most of the appeal examples online (all unfavorable), mcps degrade and discredit the appellants (the parents) and their complaints regarding eek decision making process. one of the teachers told my son during the assessment that he was NOT going to kindergarten. they discouraged him so that he would not pass. this system is ridiculous and we as parents need to speak out about this.

    1. I am going through the same thing in Baltimore City. My 4yo completed pre k head of his class (NO EXAGERATION)!!! And since he missed the kaufman test score by 8 points they want him to repeat... His bday is 18 days after Sept 1st and it's crazy that those 18 days will set him back a whole school year.

  4. The more they learn the less they know.

  5. My daughter just did the eek assessment last week , we are still waiting for the decision but I think she did fine. She told me she was tested for topics included numbers counting 1-31, Upper and lower case letters recognition, self portrait drawing using crayons, sight words, some simple math concept,counting objects, some Q&A after storytelling, motor skill by using scissors to cut along a straight line,name writing.

    1. My son appeared for the Early entrance to Kindergarten couple of weeks back who missed the cut-off by just 9 days. We were very much confident that he would make it, however we received a letter from school that he did not meet the established criteria. He can count till 100, understands shapes and colors and his Pre-K teacher also believed that he should have made it. On reaching out to school, they said they cannot reveal the scores and assessment details. Please advice on the way forward, if you have been in the same boat sometime before.

  6. We went through this appeals process for MCPS; Denied at every step despite inconsistent verbiage on the website, from the school staff, principal, appeals people dropping the ball, etc. Finally got a copy of the secret test and it only made us more angry with how arbitrary some things were. We also filed a Maryland PIA request only to learn that our local ES basically rejects everyone, not consistent with other schools in the district; so much for the super secret test that's supposed to be consistent. Don't expect anyone in the appeals process to second guess lower decisions or use reasonable logic/compassion. Did they do administer the prescribed 'test' correctly? I guess so; Appeal DENIED.
    I'd urge everyone involved to continue to waste the department's time, file those Public Information Act requests, get them to break down the results by school, race, gender, etc. The test (and the appeals process) is arbitrary and capricious. Of course, examples of the test are available in various Maryland state appeals, so the ones that dig deep can have an advantage over others.


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