
Sunday, April 6, 2014

It's not about a guy in a bar... .@BobbyZirkin

There have been a number of attempts in the Maryland legislature to pass legislation to protect teens from sexual abuse by Persons in a Position of Authority over the years.  

When discussing legislation that concerns adults having sexual contact with teens, Senator Bobby Zirkin cites the case of the 23 year old man who met a 15 year old girl in a bar.  The audio below is from a Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee hearing on March 7, 2012.  In that hearing Senator Zirkin recounted the story of the 23 year old man.  

We hope that when the Conference Committee that is set to meet on Monday, April 7th takes up Senate Bill 460 and House Bill 781 Senator Zirkin will not be citing this case.  

The legislation that is before the Maryland General Assembly right now involves Persons in a Position of Authority over children.  Those Persons KNOW they are the adults and KNOW they are in charge of children.  

It's not a surprise! 
It's not a bar! 

It is children in schools, on teams, and in recreational programs that will be protected by the proposed legislation passed by the House. 
Will the Conference Committee put the House version of this legislation before the full assembly for passage?

First speaker in audio is Assistant State's Attorney for Anne Arundel County.  Then Senator Brian Frosh speaks and turns the floor over to Senator Bobby Zirkin who tells the story of the 23 year old in a bar. 

Audio from March 7, 2012, Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Hearing
on Senate Bill 799 at approximately hour 3 of the audio.


  1. This video is living proof that the law has become an obstacle to justice.
    I believe that the age of consent is 16 and the legal age of drinking is 21.
    If I heard correctly, a loophole was to the advantage of this individual.
    So, this story serves as a legal dangling modifier to create foreshadowing.

    “ . . .Spending time with my girls is the most important thing to me, and they need me home."


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