
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Montgomery schools get nod on new snow waiver request


  1. The Board of Education? Sorry, they haven't met and haven't discussed this. Odd that Superintendent Starr invokes their name as if they took some sort of action.

    From: Montgomery County Public Schools
    Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 10:32 AM
    Subject: A Message from Superintendent Starr

    Dear Colleagues,

    I’m writing to inform you about final changes being made to the school calendar in order to make up some of the instructional time we lost due to snow days. Under a plan approved by the Maryland State Department of Education this morning, MCPS will hold school on Monday, April 21, 2014 (Easter Monday) and Friday, June 13, 2014, which will now be the last day of school for students. The last day for staff will be Monday, June 16. None of the remaining snow days will have to be made up under the state-approved plan.

    I realize that holding school on Easter Monday will be an inconvenience for many of our employees, students, and families. However, the Board of Education and I felt that this plan was the best way to ensure that we would make up two days of meaningful instructional time and cause the least disruption to our community’s summer plans. As you may be aware, MCPS had originally submitted a plan to the state that would make up one snow day—on June 13—but that request was denied. We will be sharing this news with parents and community members today, as well.

    This was a very severe winter season and I am grateful for your dedication, commitment, and flexibility under these unusual circumstances. I look forward to our work together the rest of this year as we prepare students to thrive in their future.


    Joshua P. Starr, Superintendent

  2. It is no surprise that the initial application for a waiver was turned down. Dr. Starr’s action to submit a plan that would make up only one snow day was unacceptable. Unlike other school systems he did not make the slightest effort early on to make up some of the lost time. This is so last minute now that many children will not be able to take advantage of “meaningful instructional time” on Easter Monday because they will not be here.
    Danuta Wilson


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