
Monday, April 28, 2014

School Board President Philip Kauffman (At Large) assured students that elected officials are “standing there with you” and are committed to working with students, staff, parents and the community to “do whatever it takes to close the achievement gap.”

Note to Board of Education:  Maybe that's the problem, you are just "standing there".

Why weren't these students marching TO the Board of Education? Instead, they marched AWAY from the Board of Education.  

Last question, who funded the tee-shirts, wrist bans, speaker systems, buses and County media coverage?  This wasn't a grassroots, students getting together march.  This was a carefully planned, well funded event.  

The Washington Post:  Hundreds of students march in Montgomery, calling attention to academic achievement gap


  1. The BOE helps those who help themselves.

  2. yes, help themselves to our hard-earned tax dollars. Because guess who paid for this march? Not the students. The taxpayers of the county. How much did this 'march' cost taxpayers?


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