
Friday, May 23, 2014

BOE President Kauffman Flashed his AMEX Credit Card in Lyda Astrove's Face and said "We corrected the problem."

Watch Board of Education member Phil Kauffman (now Board PRESIDENT) tell Lyda Astrove in December of 2010 that after a 2009 State Audit exposed misuse of MCPS American Express credit cards "controls were put in place."  

Phil Kauffman:  "And, well there were controls put in place."
Lyda Astrove: "What were they?"
Phil Kauffman: "Well you know in terms of who has to sign off, in terms of the logs, and all that, I mean, there were extensive controls..."
Lyda Astrove: "But they weren't being followed."
Phil Kauffman:  "How do you ...What happened a couple of years ago in terms of some credit card charges, ya know, happened a couple of years ago on some credit card charges. So, yes we looked at it, we put controls in place. And, I am not aware that we are currently having issues with current charges. Ya know, we corrected the problem. Ya know, it is one of the things we discuss in the Fiscal Management Committee..."

Board of Education President Phil Kauffman's "controls" FAILED!

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