
Friday, May 2, 2014

Elected Officials Meeting Outside of Open Meetings Act

Here's how our elected officials have been "operating" the Kennedy Cluster Project without any public process.  By meeting in an undisclosed location, without public notice, and without a quorum of an elected body these elected officials have been able to skirt the Maryland Open Meetings Act while simultaneously spending millions and millions of County dollars.  

During the summer of 2013, the Leadership Team comprised by County Executive Ike Leggett, Superintendent Josh Starr, Council Members Navarro and Ervin, and School Board President Chris Barkley directed the operation team, made up of Department Directors, Uma Ahluwalia, Gabe Albornoz, States Attorney's representative George Simms, Police representative Assistant Chief Darryl McSwain, Team Members Don Kress and Fran Brenneman, and MCPS Staff members, to explore other options for closing the achievement gap, to explore expanding the existing project, and if the project were expanded, where would that expansion take place. 

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