
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Home or Away? Help Dr. Doran solve his cell phone tower dilemma!

Wootton HS will be getting a cell phone tower shortly - thanks to Dr. Doran the principal for his creative fundraising.

But - where will he place that tower?  According to our sources, the tower will be added to one of the existing lights in Wootton's football stadium.

The question is - will the lights be on the visitors or home bleachers?

Remember, the cell phone tower comes with approximately 100 square feet of equipment/hazmat accessories, including a generator, and the generator needs to have diesel fuel deliveries.  And noise.

From the pictures, the visitors side doesn't seem to have a lot of space for the equipment - keep in mind that Watts Branch runs right behind the stadium, with a fairly steep slope.

SO - which pole will Dr. Doran select?  Help him decide - and then let the school know your choice!

Home bleechers - light #1 at rear entrance of stadium, light #2 in front of the stands.

Visitor bleachers - light #3 on rear end of bleachers, light #4 closest to Wootton Parkway.

Is the money really worthwhile?  Does Dr. Doran want his staff to be responsible for monitoring the presence of the contractors and those who will maintain the hazmat/cell phone tower?  The generators and battery backup?  Or will that pesky tower just tap into the electricity for Wootton High school - after all, cell towers need

Of course, you can always let Dr. Doran know that hazmat facilities, with or without cell phone towers, have no place on public school property.

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