
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

M&M's, Harvard, New York City, Gallup, Hans Riemer, Nancy Navarro... @mcpssuper #expenses

This is the third part in our series of credit card records from Superintendent Joshua Starr.  This document covers the period of May, June and July of 2013.

Yes, Superintendent Starr bought M&M's - plain and peanut - with this MCPS credit card.

Don't miss the last page of this set.  It's a split check dinner.  Starr's portion was $305.25 with no notation of who was at this dinner.

Here's the list of breakfast and lunch pals that got a free lunch on the MCPS Operating Budget during this time period.

John Mannes
Gislaine Ngounou (lunch)
Gislaine Ngounou (dinner)
Darryl Williams
Hans Riemer
Uma Ahulwalia
Sherwin Collette
Nancy Navarro
Myra Smith
Sherwin Collette (again)
Mike Durso
Donna Hollingshead
Chris Lloyd
A. Zuckerman
Hans Riemer and Brian Edwards (again for Riemer)
Rebecca Smondrowski
Sally Rudney


  1. Whatever happened to eating a bowl of cereal before heading out into the world each day!

  2. That last dinner is marked as a "PELP" team dinner. PELP being Harvard's summer "Public Education Leadership Program." And what are our leaders learning there? That they can be profligate with our public dollars and use their charge cards to eat on the taxpayers dime? This was in 2013. Did they learn some amazing strategy - which they neglected to publicly share - that closed the gap? Created better pathways for excellence in education for our special education learners? We paid for the airfare and the hotel somewhere in all this too, I'm sure.

    I can't be the only one who thinks it's time to stop this. Can't Dr. Starr and our Board of Education members gather 'round a table with members of the County Council, members of the community and/or others without food? Does every conversation require a lubricant?

    1. The Harvard PELP summer event has been an annual vacation/event for Board members, staff and the superintendent (Starr and Weast) for years.

      The REGISTRATION fee for this vacation/event alone is about $20,000. Then add in transportation, hotels and meals.

  3. Why are we paying for this guy to eat at Old Ebbitt Grill? That is nothing less than abuse of taxpayer money.

  4. Councilmember Hans Riemer will be at tomorrow evening's At-large County Council Candidates forum. A good opportunity to ask why he needs to eat on the taxpayer's dime.

  5. This abuse of taxpayers dollars is nauseating. Elections are coming up next month. Is this what the voters really want? Vote the bums out. Very few people vote in Montgomery County. This is an opportunity to turn out for a change in the Board of Ed, the county council, and the county executive who tacitly approve this disgusting spending of our money.

  6. Take this to everyone running for office. Ask them to sign a pledge to limit dining out to no more than 1 or 2 events each month - and never more than $15/person/meal. I can understand that there may need to be some of this, but the scale is absurd and the abuse is ridiculous. Then share how many were willing to make the promise. I'd like to see that.

    1. Neither Hans Riemer nor Nancy Navarro are on the Council's Education Committee. If anyone can get them to explain why the Superintendent is taking them out for multiple taxpayer paid for meals, please post the answer here. Odds are very good that neither will respond to this question.


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