
Thursday, May 15, 2014

MCPS Public Information Officer Gets Cell Tower Process Wrong

In today's Bethesda Magazine article on Wootton High School's cell tower proposal the MCPS Public Information Officer is quoted as saying,
“We have a process we follow for each request,” Tofig wrote in the email. “The providers must approach the school and set up public meetings through the school’s Parent-Teacher Association, as well as inform the neighborhood. 
However, under the official MCPS Process for approving a cell tower, the school's principal is responsible for contacting the surrounding community.
The principal will schedule an informational meeting with the PTA. The principal will ensure members of the surrounding community, HOAs, and civic associations are invited. Should there be substantial opposition; the principal may decline the request. Should the community be supportive, the provider will begin the formal approval process with local and County government agencies

In the case of Wootton High School neither the principal nor the cell tower provider (AT&T) notified the surrounding community.

Looks like its time to review the MCPS process!  So here it is:

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