
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Parents Decry Wootton Cell Tower Proposal - Bethesda Beat

...One parent asked Doran after he arrived, “This entire room is opposed to this; what can we do next time to make it clear we don’t want the tower?”
Then Doran set off the parents again by implying that although they’re clearly involved in this emotionally-charged issue, they don’t get involved in others. He said, “… yet when you have a chance to get involved in the school, then come out, too, because guess what, you don’t.”
Shouts rang out again, and parents asked Doran to say no to the tower on the spot...


  1. One correction to that story. It said there are 4 high schools with towers (Watkins Mill, Sherwood, Blake and Einstein). Actually it is at Wheaton too. They are currently building the new school on what was the football field. The tower was also at the stadium. I have not looked recently to see if the tower is down yet or not. But I assume they'll have to take it down to build the school. The question is if they do, will they put it back up when they are done? If so, do they have to go through the process again or is it a done deal since it was already there?

    1. Wheaton's tower was originally approved through the Mandatory Referral (MR) process. MR is no longer an acceptable route for approving cell towers. Once the tower has been taken down the Wheaton community should insist that the tower not be re-erected -- not without first being granted a Special Exception by the County Board of Appeals. And to erect the tower at a new spot on the property there first has to be a review by the Tower Committee. Best wishes to the Wheaton community in successfully opposing the tower, second time around!

    2. I believe the plan is to simply build around the Wheaton cell tower. If anyone knows details, please post.

  2. Doug Duncan, a former and possibly current Milestone Communications lobbyist (, READ LAST 3 PARAGRAPHS) received $8,000 in campaign contributions from Milestone CEO Leonard Forkas and what appears to be his wife, in September and November 2013 to fund his bid for County Executive. Milestone, a Reston, Virginia based business is ground-zero for “partnering” large telecommunications corporations, such as AT&T and Verizon, with local governments, focusing on the placement of cell towers on PUBLIC SCHOOL property ( On October 19, 2011 Duncan was quoted (originally on Milestone’s website, since deleted), “Using school assets to create revenue is a no brainer” ( When it comes to the issue of cell towers on MCPS property, feet away from our kids, where do you think Duncan will come down on this issue. Make sure to vote in the June 24, 2014 primary.

    1. Doug Duncan's "no brainer" deal for public schools is TWO cell towers per school! That's right, not just one cell tower compound, two! Each tower puts multiple vendors on the site. Lots of access to students during the school day for lots of strangers!

    2. Janis, this is horrible. What is Duncan thinking???? The only "No Brainer" here is in Duncan's cranium.

  3. More non ionizing radiation
    For our student population
    To stimulate their young mind
    And not leave any child behind.

  4. Yes, Leggett, the entire County COuncil, and Board of Education have been a part of this also, correct? I've decided to vote for Andrews; he is the most environmentally friendly and the most likely to put a stop to this. Heads need to roll.


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