
Monday, May 12, 2014

The plan would violate one of the basic tenets of budgeting: putting “one-time” funds into ongoing expenses.

...This year, the school system asked for $51.7 million over MOE.
County Executive Isiah Leggett’s proposed 2015 budget gave Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) $26 million in county funds over the MOE threshold. He also proposed adding another $11 million from the unspent MCPS general fund balance (money that doesn’t count against the MOE limit). 
Under a plan from Council President Craig Rice (D-Upcounty), the council would shift the $26 million under Leggett’s proposal to a health-care trust account for retired MCPS employees — and add $13.3 million from a projected surplus in current health-care funds. Use of these funds would not reset next year’s MOE base...

1 comment:

  1. "Use of these funds would not reset next year’s MOE base..." Taxpayers should not kid themselves. This secretly negotiated 'deal' sets a new base and you can be sure that next year the Board that you elect this June 24 and this November will come back using this as a new baseline. BTW, council members are up for election in the primaries June 24th and in November. Do you want to re-elect councilmembers whose pattern is to negotiate secret backroom deals and then present the outcome to the citizens in the pretend MoCo 'democracy?' Up to you.


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