
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Why won't Starr Fix the Roof at Wheaton Woods Elementary School?

If the roofs leaks in your house do you fix it or tear down the house?

For some odd reason, Superintendent Joshua Starr won't fix the roof at Wheaton Woods Elementary School.  Instead he is making the teachers and students live with a leaky rook until the school can be torn down and rebuilt.

Gazette:  For a wet Wheaton Woods, it’s four more years until it gets a new building

...After a downpour on April 30, water gushed into the Rockville school, taking down ceiling tiles and soaking about 12 areas in the school, including storage areas that held supplies, Cherissa Taylor, president of the school’s PTA, told county schools Superintendent Joshua P. Starr in an email.
“Whenever it rains, Wheaton Woods elementary has water leaks and falling ceiling tiles. Over time, this water damage can and will turn into mold issues,” Taylor wrote. “Our children deserve a safe, healthy environment in which to learn and our PTA and school community will not accept another year in a substandard building.”...


  1. Starr's children do not attend that elementary. Simple

  2. Council member Nancy Navarro (a.k.a Nancy Navarro-Laurent) lives in the Northeast Consortium school cluster, with some of the lowest performing schools in the county. But Navarro's daughter gets special dispensation and attends high performing Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School in wealthy Bethesda.


    Nothing but the best for the children of elected officials and those who they appoint.

    1. Now add in that Nancy Navarro is one of only two Councilmembers that Superintendent Joshua Starr takes to lunch on his MCPS credit card.

  3. I suspect Starr has never set foot in Wheaton Woods ES, nor in any of the other schools badly in need of renovation or replacement.

  4. Whenever nature brings rains
    On the Wheaton Woods panes
    There is an indoor downpour
    While the big boss is on a tour
    Rain water is gushing inside
    Creating a free waterslide
    But, the children are bold
    And they battle the mold
    While dodging falling tiles
    As they scurry in the aisles.


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