
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

ABC7 Watchdog Report: Consequences for BOE and Christopher Barclay


"The committee has requested, and all Board members have agreed, to suspend the usage of their MCPS-issued credit cards while the committee conducts its work," the statement adds.
However, the Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, a community watchdog organization, has a lot questions about the newly formed ad hoc committee. High on their list of inquiries: where and when will their meetings take place, and will members of the public be allowed to attend?
"The cure for secret spending is not a secret committee. So, it needs to be open to the public, and it needs to have transparency," Parents' Coalition member Kathy Gambrell said. "These issues need to be taken care of in the light of day."

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  1. Barclay for County Council? He needs to resign from the Board of Education NOW.

  2. Thank you Parents Coalition for directing sunshine on the profligate spending of both the BOE and MCPS top staff. Barclay should take the tumble he is in now, obviously, but the fact remains that the BOE has a budget of just under $100,000 for transportation and meals. MCPS executives enjoy a similar perk - God knows why Josh Starr thinks he can charge off his meals to the school district when he is just going out to lunch with a colleague, such as Darryl Williams.

    Our schools are understaffed and underfunded for instructional materials, but the school districts central office operates as if it is a privately held corporation. Only the publicity of Barclay's improprieties with his credit card forced them to, at least temporarily, suspend use of the entire BOE's credit cards. Thank you, PC!

  3. Will Chris Barclay sue MCPS for making him dangerously obese by providing unlimited free meals with no financial or dietary oversight?

  4. Only mere mortals must pay back overdue bills with late penalty and interest.


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