
Friday, June 27, 2014

Montgomery College's Plan for Addressing the Achievement Gap

Recommendations: Benchmarks and Outcomes
 Allocate resources for data analysis and coordination of Latino and African/African‐
American student matriculation.
 Target intervention with Developmental Non‐Completers utilizing Non‐cognitive Predictors
of Student Success
 Construct courses that allow students who have successfully completed RD 099/103 and
are currently enrolled in EN002/EL103 to take credit level courses in a learning community
type setting (i.e. a PY102/AN101/SO101 that are blended with the EN002/EL104 course
 Analyze student success rates separately for African‐American and non‐native African‐
American students.
 Similarly, analyze success rates of US‐educated Latino students separately from those of
Latino students educated abroad.
 Study the ACCUPLACER test‐retest reliability for students placing into EN002 and RD099.

See  p. 7

Download the full report: Closing the Achievement Gap Task Force Final Report and Recommendations Dec 2013

or read it on SCRIBD.


  1. MCPS Plan for Addressing the Achievement Gap - keeping the same idiots in charge and expecting different results.

  2. And last, but not least,
    "Montgomery College has renumbered its courses, including new subject codes, effective with Fall 2014 registration."

    1. This is analogous to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.


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