
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Who did Barclay Take to Lunch? Nancy Navarro, Hans Riemer, Francoise Carrier, Council Staff, Shebra Evans, Chris Lloyd, BOE members, MCPS Staff

The expense reports and credit card records for Board of Education member Christopher Barclay do not show the names of all of the guests he took to restaurants with his MCPS credit card.

Below is a list of some of the recipients of meals paid for from the MCPS Operating Budget by Mr. Barclay during 2012 through the first part of 2014.

4/19/12  $20 Constituent
4/27/12  $67 Luis Cardona
6/15/12  $37.01 Community Superintendent and MCCPTA Rep
6/20/12  $58.13  Dr. Statham (MCPS)
6/29/12  $34      Ben Moskowitz (former student member of BOE)
8/14/13  $14   Constituent
8/23/12  $23.85 Student
8/30/12  $12.67 Council Staffer
8/31/12  $13.07 students
9/1/12    $23.87 students
9/14/12  $10.37 constituent
9/22/12  $28.13 constituent
10/11/12 $32.00 County Council Vice President Navarro
10/23/12 $23.06 Young Democrats
10/24/12  $46     Troy Boddy
10/02/12  $39    Council Staff
10/06/12  $174.06 Officials from Zimbabwe
10/29/12  $47.17 3 constituent/parents
11/13/12  $29  D.C. Administration
11/29/12 $26  John Landesman (MCPS)
12/19/12 $27.56 Young Democrats

1/9/13 $30 Vernon Ricks
1/25/13 $39 Shebra Evans
1/9/13 $14   Constituent
1/17/2013 $29 Chris Lloyd (MCEA Vice President)
1/10/13 $9.18 Sharif Robinson
1/9/13 $30 Vernon Ricks
2/22/13 $25 Curtis Johnson
2/27/13 $8.88 and $10.00 Jane DeWinter
2/24/13 $61 CB/PK/RS/JM which would probably be Chris Barclay, Phil Kauffman Rebecca Smondrowskit and John Mannes
3/20/13 $38 Hans Reimer
3/7/13 47 $47 Constituent
3/25/13 $36 Shebra Evans
3/13/13 $0 Judith Clarke
3/11 13 XXX Paul Weckstein
4/15/13 $97.45 Phil Kauffman, Shirley Brandman
4/3/13 $78  Dr. Statham (MCPS)
4/9/13 $65 Mr. Bartee
4/17/13 $70.36 Mr. Williams
5/1/13 $24.21 Bronda Mills
6/5/13 $39 Francoise Carrier (Planning Board Chair)
6/10/13 $36 Constituent
6/21/13 $46.50 D. Beyer
6/4/13 $27 A. Zuckerman (MCPS)
6/18/13 $59.35 Phil Kauffman, Rebecca Smondrowski, Patricia O'Neill (Retreat Planning MEETING)
7/11/13 $26 Marcus Moore (former Gazette reporter)
7/22/13 $27 constituent
7/30/13 $63.90 Northeast Consortium
8/8/13 $49.20 MCCPTA
8/28/13 $36.36 Rebecca Smondrowski
9/12/13 $34.99 Rebecca Smondrowski
9/6/13 $32 Rebecca Smondrowski
10/24/13 $70 MCCPTA
10/28/13 $30.48 Constituent
10/25/13 $27.53 Constituent
10/17/13 $27.46 Dr. Statham (MCPS)
10/01/13 $18.02 Council Staff
11/18/13 $26.16 MCCPTA
11/22/13 $15.42 Blair Cluster
11/26/13 $36.40 constitutent
11/14/13 $75 Joshua Starr and Phil Kauffman
12/19/13 $29 Christina Johnson (Rebuilding Together in Mont. Co.)
12/20/13 $54 Michael Scarano (Rockin' the Rage)
12/31/13 $34.74 Mr. Williams (Minority Scholars Program)

1/17/14 $24 Brian Roberts and County Staff
1/6/14 $33 Anita Powell NAACP
1/30/14 $27 Francis Frost 
2/10/14 $13.78 H. Marie Henderson

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