
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

WPost: Montgomery’s records reveal school board’s credit card use as policy discussion looms

A review of nearly 1,500 pages of records shows that Montgomery County school board members took sharply different approaches to using their district-paid credit cards, with some charging restaurant meals with constituents or elected officials while others barely used the cards at all......School board policies do not prohibit such expenses, but they have become the focus of a Montgomery school board committee, which is scheduled to meet Thursday to discuss such practices. The committee was formed in late April after parents from a watchdog group called attention to the board’s use of the cards...
...The only other repayment identified in the documents came from Michael A. Durso (District 5), for his wife’s attendance at an out-of-town conference and a breakfast. Durso said he found it was easier to make his wife’s arrangements through the school board’s office and to write a check to repay the district than to make the couple’s arrangements separately...
continues at this link:


  1. "Barclay said that ... 'I think that if I wasn’t running for County Council, this wouldn’t be the same kind of issue.'" He just doesn't get it.

  2. I think what he meant is that there would not have been as much scrutiny, so he'd would have gotten away with it.

  3. The Post editors still cannot bring themselves to use the words, 'Parents' Coalition' in Mr. Bezos' newspaper, and are falling all over themselves contorting the English language to avoid stating in clear English who worked hard to obtain these documents and who reviewed them. Plain and Simple is the best, as E.B. White would say. Maybe someone at the Post should read 'The Elements of Style' before they lose more readers.

  4. The big story here is quickly becoming, why won't the Post state that it was members of the Parents' Coalition who got these documents and made them public. Why do the editors of the Post and its owner, Mr. Bezos, refuse to print any news stories? Are the Kardashians really so interesting that there is no room for real news anymore?


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