
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

MCPS Board of Ed. tosses credit cards, overhauls spending practices |

During Monday evening's meeting, board members complimented one another on the progress they had made since news headlines first broke. Others, despite acknowledging wrongdoing, accused the media of biased and sensational reporting.
"Our board members do not get enough credit for all you do, and frankly much of the criticism leveled at you has been unfair," Superintendent Joshua Starr remarked.
"Some of our colleagues are constantly mentioned in reference to the subject at hand. I'm not sure that's always been fair and objective," board member Michael Durso added.
"Alongside of Mr. Durso's comments, about how sometimes things can be very easily misperceived, and without full understanding, can be misconstrued to some people’s whims, or the way they want to see it," Rebecca Smondrowski stated.
Louis Wilen, a leading member of the Montgomery County Parents' Coalition, an organization advocating for better government transparency, says he found certain board members' remarks offensive.

"I would call it a pity party," Wilen stated. "The taxpayers didn't get an apology, the students didn't get an apology, the teachers who are using their own money to purchase supplies for their classrooms didn't get an apology ... [but] the board members got apologies from each other."

1 comment:

  1. "Our board members do not get enough credit for all you do, and frankly much of the criticism leveled at you has been unfair," Superintendent Joshua Starr remarked.

    In other words, please renew my contract. Disregard that I am a failure.


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