
Friday, July 11, 2014

Sentinel Cartoon: Lowering the Bar

Click here for cartoon in this week's Montgomery Sentinel.


  1. This link gives a MUCH more detailed view... there's a lot going on in this cartoon... right down to the cockroach in front left field.

    1. You're right, there's a lot of tongue in cheek here. Very funny and very on-point. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Starr and the BOE see the cartoon.

    2. @AnonymousJuly 11, 2014 at 11:54 AM: What does the cock roach mean, when he says, "Ah, real AstroTurf, with kickback padding?"

    3. For Anonymous July 12, 2014 at 11:25 PM, If you knew anything about the "procurement process" of artificial turf by MCPS, you would be shocked. An investigation on the part of the IG may reveal this scandal in the not so distant future.

  2. This sums up Starr's achievement record in MCPS. Never thought one guy could do so much damage to what was a world class school system. MCPS is sinking fast. Question is will the BOE have the brains to replace him and bring in someone who has the know how and business skills to revive one of the largest systems in the nation or will they stick with a proven loser.

    1. Don't kid yourself. When we moved down here in 1987, I was very disappointed in the supposed 'world class school system' that had been advertised and used to entice us to move. MCPS has only been 'world class' to select portions of the county; it was/is not system-wide. Weast is not a hero, just a good, overpaid PR person. Starr just doesn't have the same BS skills. Welcome to our misery.

    2. @AnonymousJuly 12, 2014 at 9:18 AM, You're right; Weast was a consummate PR man, who ran the school system by press release. He was also very politically connected. Starr has none of those skills, which is why the handwriting is already on the wall for his departure.

    3. Oh yeah, and the cartoon is EXCELLENT!!!


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